Sunday 5 June 2011

Sunday, day 8, 5th June 2011

Ok, so technically speaking it was a week this morning since Lola had her implant, but I counted last Sunday as the first day being as though she had it done in the morning ;)
She really didn't eat very much at all yesterday, and we then had yellowish poo in the eglu overnight. She did have an empty crop this morning, but having eaten so little yesterday that wasn't much of a surprise!
When I let them out into the garden, Lola did have a little nibble at the wet mash *yay* She has eaten a few little bits and bobs today, nothing to get majorly excited over, but she was eating something so I'm afraid there was a little excited dance from me lol!
I've given her a little critical care formula again today, I'm wondering if the bit of energy she gets from that is what is encouraging her to eat a little on her own.
I tried to get her some garvo alfamix today but the shop doesn't stock it. I've spoken to someone at garvo, explained the situation and he agrees that alfamix is the best compromise as Ellie will still get everything she needs for laying, and Lola can pick out what she wants to eat too. They are ordering some in for me, but it may be 4-6 weeks so in the meantime I'll have to find some online to order. The shop made Lola up a mix of goodies to try; pinhead oats, safflower, cracked maize, niger, dali etc and she did try it. The biggest success was live mealworms though, she has eaten quite a few of those this evening...enough that she actually felt like she had something in her crop *yay again*
She had a nibble at some scrambled egg at teatime too.
Dropping colour and consistency has majorly improved since this morning, although we've had a few watery ones in between.
I've not given her any metoclopramide tonight again.
She has been sleepy still today, but not as bad as the last couple of days, she has made the effort to go for a wander in the garden every now and then, and is up and about more when they are shut in the run.
No egg :-)

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