Saturday 25 June 2011

long time no blog!

So, I've been ill, which isn't much fun when you are trying to deal with a chook who won't eat anything other than chinese leaf! We've muddled through though!
Her Ladyship is still into chinese leaf big time! She has it everyday but not til about 11.30am-12.00 ish, this way she will eat a bit of her proper food first, and graze on her feed throughout the day too. She is still very light, but it seems to vary day to day now, the other day she hit 1500g (having been 1836g when she very first had the implant done) which is a mahoosive loss! Then she will put a little weight on for a couple of days averaging out at just below 1600g, then drops again! She is a bit subdued, but nothing major *touches wood* so as long as she is still active and alert, and still picking at food we will let her be. She is back on the metoclopramide twice a day (orally) which does seem to be helping. Her moult seemed to be pretty much done, just the last bit of shedding the sheaths to go, then yesterday she started dropping a few more feathers. Most odd!
Nowt else to report really, I'll be back soon, hopefully minus this hacking cough! *splutter*

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